Monday, February 22, 2010

The Ballad of Magdalene.

I will tell you a story,forgotten long back in time.
Of one Man’s courage,Of many men’s crime.

She was a woman , her Name was Magdalene.
And She,like you or me, was not without a sin.

Hiding, It went well ;But She was caught in ‘act’
She was ashamed herself; as It was the fact.

But ancient Mob of men, enraged once again,
Was determined for Justice, with stone and stain.

‘Hark Ho’ ‘Hark Ho’ ‘stone that impure whore’
‘Sinner she is and only death is in her store.’

Bleeding with hurt she cried for her life,
As they watched ,The man and also the wife.

Some were Moved But argued Justice served right,
Some didn’t care n some silent in their own fright.

Just as then through the stirred crowd of men,
Stood THE MAN , unshakable as a mountain.

His Figure was robust; but eyes were eager,
He looked like a king, But robes of a beggar.

He walked towards her as the crowd watched in shock,
But He too was hit By one random hateful rock.

The color of his blood was same as hers,RED.
They didn’t see;But shouted ‘Blasphemy’ instead.

She looked into His eyes and she stopped her mourn,
The blood still dripped, But her fear was gone

He turned to the crowd now, with steady gaze.
His eyes were kind ,his face ablaze.

‘Behold,children!’ ;He said ,In firm fatherly tone ,
‘He who has not sinned, shall cast the first stone’

The ground shook ,and with silence grown,
Each stone fell down as if by on its own.

Thus was raging hate, turned into shame.
Of this great sin,everyone shared the blame.

Folks,Remember this story , Its only one of its Kind
The Man was Jesus,none like him could you find..

But when you walk in the world of Justice in vain ,
And see the enraged mob resurrected once again.

Forget not this story of one mercy and one sin,
For YOU are the Christ and YOU are Magdalene.

Truth Is star.

Truth triumphs like the pole star,

Unshakable and glued in the far,

As All other stars whirl around,

Only truth star is stable and sound.

When Sailors sailed in old days,

When Dark Ocean had many ways,

But pole star up on north horizon,

would guide their men and water-wagon.

Constellations are only second,

Pole star is fixed and reckoned.

By it, travel whole night,

The sun will be soon in sight.

So,In your darkness and low tide,

Let truth be your only guide.

Truth is ship and truth is station,

Truth is fixed in every direction.

Truth is refuge which wise approve

Truth is star which will never move.

Truth is Guide which never lies,

Truth is eternality which never dies.