Sunday, March 13, 2011

I put aside myself

I put aside myself ,
A burden I carried way too long,
I dissolve my hatred,
My envy ,My desire,
I denounce my place,
My race,
My face .
I forgive the past,
I renounce everyone.

I renounce every dream,
I ever had or might have,
I let them sublimate ,
Through my memory neurons
All of them,
My lovers of past ,
The one illusion ,
Of care and path,

None to hold hands.

I have lost my hands,
I cant pick up anything,
My skull has burnt,
The remaining house,
I care not for your love,
Nor mine.
The old tricks don’t work,
And I have no fire to invent new,
My frame is out of its fuel
A stuffed past,
It was Never important

All my wars are over,
My fight vanished ,
My ambitions vanquished,
My hopes abandoned.

But to really say,
I have renounced nothing,
And I never can,
I cannot defy,
what I cant define
For what was mine ,
Is never mine
And what is mine
Will never be mine.

None to blame,
No complain,
No stance in life,
I am nothing.

I must go,
And so should you,
But when it comes to going
I am not in same place as you..

I need not a partner,
Here or after,
Not a soul to please,
Not a soul to preach.
Or to make plans,
Of togetherness .

I still have a kindness in my heart,
The only thing that remains,
I don’t know what it is,
But I might put it to some use
Before the ash vanishes too.

I am not a tortured thing,
Not to be pitied ,
I am in peace with vacuum,
Purged of all torments,
Without any regrets
I put aside myself,
all my envy and shame
As it was never there.