Monday, May 24, 2010

why shall I be hating you?

All I asked you People,
to show a little shame
and I said i would never
ever put on this blame

But people I forgot how
that Its just a game.
And whatever I do
you will still forget my name

With Mortals, this is nothing new
so why shall I be hating you?

You never even cared
when thousands were dead
all you did was to put
phony white bedsheets on bed.

oh but they are not white
cant you see the blood red
Oh I might chose to be silent
in my honesty instead.

The honesty is only a passing dew
But why shall I be hating you?

But dont know for what
I still sometimes cry,
You killed me alright
But at least tell me why

(or at least give some sign
that remorse is coming by)

so I have some reason for life
and let not the flesh dry.
and I had to say this now
for I am too hurt to be shy.

It is certain that this hurt will grew
still why shall I be hating you?


Pain will not pass like you said
The pain must remain there
For every tear I broke into
Must know theres someone who would care

I will make them all known
all the lies that you share
so to this shameless soul
there could be a honest nightmare

This nightmare you could never see through
along this curse I still wont be hating you.

For the sake of your Holy Name
that you put on your altar
when you find new insanity
good reason to take you far

Give us also a little recall
for we trusted the eastern star.
and If I vanish by myself
do you promise to end the war?

But You cant make a promise that is true
yet why shall I ever be hating you?

when women were all fallen
and men were partner in crime
I still was looking for love
and never to give up this time

But You too fell for this
You shallow little heartless dime
You betray me for someone else
and I can only write worthless rhyme.

I know my rhymes are hurt and rude.
But I shall never be hating you.

Oh you are you a (shallow) WOMAN.
may be thats your own burden
oh and the shame will surely come
as the universe takes out the curtain

But today you are so confident
your crimes will be hidden for certain
Its all just one Vanity cause
there is hell beyond every Eve's garden.

Woman,Your own proud youth is rotting too.
But I shall never be hating you.

I will be gone far away
Yes, as the time will unwind
Truth will be in my ashes
But 'The Real man' you can never find.

Ignore this but cosmos are alive
Burn will come as ancient laws bind.
But I will still forgive you
For you are the crazy crazy Mankind

your ship is already sinking with your crew.
Yes But I will never be hating you.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Rohan.......... jeet liya chokre !!!!! too good man :) >>>>>
